Antminer Z15 Pro (840Kh)

Antminer Z15 Pro (840Kh)
Hashrate Power Algorithm
840 kh/s 2780 W Equihash

Antminer Z15 Pro was launched on June 20, with a power of 840 KSol per second, with a power consumption of only 2780W.

Daily Monthly Yearly
Income (Zcash) $8.60
0.28528006 ZEC
8.55840176 ZEC
104.12722141 ZEC
Electricity -$8.01 -$240.19 -$2,922.34
Profit 0.59 17.68 215.13
Manufacturer Bitmain
Model Antminer Z15 Pro
Also known as Zcash Miner Z15 Pro 840KSol
Release June 2023
Size 245 x 132 x 290mm
Weight 5900g
Noise level 75db
Fan(s) 2
Power 2780W
Interface RJ45 Ethernet 10/100M
Temperature 5 - 40 °C
Humidity 10 - 90 %

Minable coins

Zcash (ZEC) Equihash
Zcash (ZEC)
Komodo (KMD) Equihash
Komodo (KMD)
Hush (HUSH) Equihash
Hush (HUSH)
Pirate (ARRR) Equihash
Pirate (ARRR)
Horizen (ZEN) Equihash
Horizen (ZEN)
ZenCash (ZEN) Equihash
ZenCash (ZEN)
FileName FileSize Description Publish Date
Antminer-Z15-Pro-release-202309060712.bmu 17.50MB


Release Notes:

1. Optimize the firmware.

Please make sure the miner type and firmware type are the same before upgrading the miner firmware.
