Antminer S21 XP (270Th)

Antminer S21 XP (270Th)
Hashrate Power Algorithm
270 Th/s 3645 W SHA-256

Antminer S21 XP is a miner that uses the SHA-256 algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 270 Th/s and a power consumption equivalent to 3645 Watts.

Daily Monthly Yearly
Income (Bitcoin) $12.65
0.00015611 BTC
0.00468317 BTC
0.05697857 BTC
Electricity -$10.50 -$314.93 -$3,831.62
Profit 2.15 64.57 785.55
Manufacturer Bitmain
Model Antminer S21 XP (270Th)
Release Sep 2024
Size 400 x 195 x 290mm
Noise level 75db
Cooling Air
Fan(s) 4
Power 3645W
Interface Ethernet 10/100M
Temperature 5 - 45 °C
Humidity 5 - 95 %

Minable coins

Bitcoin (BTC) SHA-256
Bitcoin (BTC)
BitcoinCash (BCH) SHA-256
BitcoinCash (BCH)
BitcoinSV (BSV) SHA-256
BitcoinSV (BSV)
Elastos (ELA) SHA-256
Elastos (ELA)
Namecoin (NMC) SHA-256
Namecoin (NMC)
Peercoin (PPC) SHA-256
Peercoin (PPC)
Xaya (CHI) SHA-256
Xaya (CHI)
Syscoin (SYS) SHA-256
Syscoin (SYS)

Where to buy?

Store Price Delivery
Antminer China
Trusted vendor
In stock